Cigar smoking life insurance options

cigar, tobacco, havana-1293684.jpg

Can Cigar Smokers get non-smoking rates?

The answer is yes, if you smoke a cigar, you can get non-smoking rates, some companies will even offer you Preferred Best rates.  But not all companies, some companies consider cigar-smoking the same as cigarette smoking.  depends on what companies you choose and how often you smoke cigars.  Those are the two most important factors, regarding cigar smoking and life insurance.

We can help you choose the right company for your situation.

Celebratory Cigar Smoking

You just had a baby, or you closed that big deal, and you celebrate with a “Alec Bradley Blind Faith Gordo[1]” a top cigar. Are you going to be penalized? Probably not, but if you don’t disclose it on the application and you smoke it the night before your Paramed test, you most likely will. 

Occasional Cigar Smoking

Occasional cigar smoking is defined as one or twice a month by most life insurance companies.  Once a month (12 time per year) you can get preferred best with some companies, while twice a month (24 times per year) will bring you down to preferred.  Insurance companies don’t mind cigar smoking if its disclosed.  Some companies also want a non-nicotine reading on the paramed. (See Chart Below) 

Daily Cigar Smoking

The best company for all around cigar smoking is Prudential, the best rating they give is Standard Plus but its not limited to a number per month, if its disclosed.


Cigar Smoke Life Insurance